3 Questions Your Should Not Be Afraid To Ask Your Stylist

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By Erica Colon, Director Of Color Education, Maximum FX Salons

1. How much maintenance does this color require?

If you can not commit to coming into the salon every four to six weeks, explain this to your colorist. They have the knowledge and experience to find a color schedule that fits into your life.

2. How much money is this going to cost me?

Don’t be shy. Ask up front how much your color is going to cost and have your colorist break it down so you know what you are paying for. If it's over your budget, speak up. Sometimes a few strategically placed highlights can take the place of a partial highlight and bring the cost down a bit.

3. What products should I use to maintain my color?

Please listen to your colorist when they recommend products to maintain the longevity and shine of your color. These products are formulated to combat fading and dulling caused by all types of environmental elements.

Helpful hints:

As colorists, we sometimes lapse into “hair” speak; commonplace to us, but Klingon to you. If you don’t understand exactly what a colorist means by words like “warm” or " chunky", ask them to explain differently or show you a picture.

Compare the thickness of your desired highlights to pasta. Seriously. Most people know the difference in thickness between fettucini and spaghetti.

Caramel, mahogany, and chestnut are different colors to different people. Use pictures to show your colorist what you desire. We heart pictures.

Tell your stylist about your occupation, kids or no kids, frequent travel or homebody, Britney Spears or The Clash, etc. These details may seem like small talk, but over time they go a long way towards helping your colorist customize the perfect color to fit your personality.


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